Venture Capital Pty Ltd

There are many investment opportunities available in Australia for high creditworthy individuals and corporate clients. Property in the modern world is expensive in general, and prime property though very expensive, would be great investment as the general trend is for property to keep on appreciating.

Venture Capital Pty Ltd is another highly successful and profitable company which comes under the Multinational Holdings umbrella. It operates in the theatre of fund management & property development in Australia. This is a company registered under the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. Its current operation is well over 6 million dollars per year, and is one of fastest growing arms of Multinational Holdings Group of Companies. Within the last few years it has been growing many folds. Local knowledge, technical know-how, correct decision-making, experience in the trade and expertise of the key personnel have contributed to its fast growth and success. Investments are thoroughly checked and carried out with care. Investment opportunities are made available for recognized investors on a case by case basis who can invest over $200,000.

Our principals have more than 10 years’ experience in their trade and have developed their expertise by working with banking, finance, property development, and investment related companies/industry.

We are very specific when selecting a location for development. The company’s expert principals’ extensive industry knowledge has played a key role in recent successes in its operation.

The Company is also expanding its development arm in to residential and commercial development, and real estate property management. All our investors are very happy with their previous investments as they have achieved the best return on their investments.

The company depends on its principle of quality and reliability for continued growth.

All inquires for capital investment should be made via